Efektivitas Penggunaan Madrasah E-Learning di MAN 5 Agam


  • Dedi Efendi Pengawas Madrasah Kankemenag Kab. Agam Author
  • Yuni Elfida MAN 5 Agam, Lubuk Basung, Indonesia Author
  • Wahyu Al-Ikram MAN 5 Agam, Lubuk Basung, Indonesia Author


This study aims to investigate teachers' and students' perceptions of the effectiveness of madrasah e-learning. Along with the development of technology, especially in the digital field, the world of education is also experiencing quite rapid development, especially in learning activities. So far, the traditional approach to teaching involves direct information transfer from teachers to students, but it often causes student disinterest or inattentiveness in attending classes. Descriptive quantitative method. Data were collected by questionnaires distributed through Whatsapp Group of MAN 5 Agam students and teachers. The sampling technique used was incidental sampling which is a form of non-probabilty sampling. Validity and Reability tested questionnaires were used to measure the effectiveness of Madrasah E-Learning with 12 questions requesting responses from teachers and students using a Likert scale. The validity test results of the calculated r value is greater than r table (0.444) at 5% significance level except for statement number 10 (r calculated 0.354). The results of the reliability test obtained the reliability coefficient (Cronbach Alpha) of the number of variants versus the total variance of 0.914 greater than 0.7. The majority of positive responses compared to negative responses. The majority of respondents were satisfied with the madrasah e-learning, indicating successful implementation. Despite positive evaluations, neutral or negative groups require attention. High participation and motivation to learn indicate the potential of e-learning as an effective educational tool. Further understanding of the neutral group is important in designing sustainable strategies and policies. The findings support improving the quality of madrasah e-learning.







How to Cite

Efektivitas Penggunaan Madrasah E-Learning di MAN 5 Agam. (2024). Journal of Madrasah Studies, 1(1), 21-46. https://kskkpub.org/index.php/jms/article/view/5